Ebonorth Registered Kennels Schipperke Heritage and History
The exact origin of the Schipperke is not known. There are however, three different opinions regarding the Schipperke's heritage. One theory is that the dog is actually a miniature version of an ancient breed of black Belgian Sheepdog. Another holds that the Schipperke descends from the northern race of dogs called the Spitz family, a third opinion claims that the breed is actually a cross between the German Pomeranian and some breed of terrier. The truth of the breed's origin may forever remain buried in history and never be known. What is known about the Schipperke however, dates back over three hundred years to Flanders and the Belgian provinces of Antwerp and Brabant.
Many historians credit a man by the name of Reussens as the father of the breed and the individual who catalyzed its popularity. In 1885 the breed became very fashionable after Queen Marie Henrietta of Belgium bought a winning dog at a show in Brussels. From this point on in history the Schipperke had found its place in both the homes and hearts of many individuals. Within a few years after its integration with Belgian Royality the dog was being imported around the world to such countries as Britain, the United States and Australia.
With the breed's importation to various countries around the world came both the breed's Standard and recognition of breed status. Although there are some variations on the desired points of confirmation between different established Canine Clubs many characteristics and features dating back to the Schipperke's origin remain desirable. Today's Schipperkes, like their ancesters are valued for their obedience, loyalty and devotion.